Monday Motivation

Hello Lovelies, 

Hope you’re all doing great! What better way to chase those Monday blues away, then with some Monday Motivation. Today I wanted to share this quote I found over on Tumblr, “Supporting another’s successs won’t ever dampen yours”. In the age of social media, everything seems to be a competition. Who has the most followers? Who has the most views? Who has the most subscribers? It can become pretty easy to fall into that competition mindset, but what we keep forgetting is that our journey is our own journey and has nothing to do with anyone else’s. Once we believe that, then we’ll know that supporting one another has nothing to do with how successful we can or will be. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather see everyone winning. So I’ll make sure to keep supporting everyone that’s chasing their dreams, while I continue to chase mine. Happy Monday! -Habon xo 

3 thoughts on “Monday Motivation

  1. What a beautiful post! This literally made me smile, Habon. You’re so right, it’s rare to see people supporting each other nowadays. I especially love this, ” what we keep forgetting is that our journey is our own journey and has nothing to do with anyone else’s”. ❤️❤️❤️


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